This tutorial was made in PSP 9, but can also be made in the other versions.

For this tutorial you need Animation Shop (AS)

and the following plugin

Alien Skin Xenofex 2 - Constellation

You can download the plugin:

you can download the materials.

It contains: 3 tubes - 1 gradient.

Place the gradient in your Gradient folder.

The tubes are from Daisy and Patry, you can find the URL on the tubes.

Thank you so much for the beautiful tubes.

Cl-scenery36 is unfortunately unknown to me.

If it's yours, please let me know so I can give you the proper credit.

Let's get started :-)

Step 1

Open the tubes in PSP - minimize them for now.

Open a transparent image of 650 x 450 pixels.

Set your foreground to gradient 'Duotoon lichtblauw'.

Flood fill your image with this gradient.

Adjust - Blur - Gaussian blur - 30.

Step 2

Copy tube 'cl-scenery36'.

Paste as a new layer on your working image.

Place it upper left - see main image.

Lower the Opacity of this layer to 56.

Step 3

Copy tube 'DaisyWeb_AutumnRiverLandscape'.

Paste as a new layer on your working image.

Image - Mirror.

Place it on the right side - see main image.

Lower the Opacity of this layer to 50.

Step 4

Copy tube 'PatryMists_Bellucci98'.

Paste as a new layer on your working image.

Image - Mirror.

Place her left below - see main image.

Lower the Opacity of this layer to 82.

Step 5

Activate layer 3.

Activate your Eraser.

Erase the trees from the sleeve, hand and face of the woman.

Add your Name and/or watermark.

Layers - Merge - Merge all (Flatten).

Step 6

Image - Add borders - 2 pixels - color #8eb2cc.

Image - Add borders - 5 pixels - color #cee7f9.

Image - Add borders - 2 pixels - color #8eb2cc.

Selections - Select all.

Selections - Modify - Contract - 2 pixels.

Step 7

Selections - Modify - Select selection borders - with these settings:

Layers - Duplicate - repeat this till you have 4 layers.

Activate layer 1.

Effects - Plugins - Alien Skin Xenofex 2 - Constellation - Settings - choose 'Bling Bling' - with these settings:

Activate layer 2.

Effects - Plugins - Alien Skin Xenofex 2 - Constellation - same settings - click Random Seed 1x - click OK.

Activate layer 3.

Effects - Plugins - Alien Skin Xenofex 2 - Constellation - same settings - click Random Seed 1x - click OK.

Activate layer 4.

Effects - Plugins - Alien Skin Xenofex 2 - Constellation - same settings - click Random Seed 1x - click OK.

Selections - Select none.

Step 8

Activate layer 1 - Edit - Copy.

Open Animation Shop (AS).

Edit - Paste as a new animation.

Back to PSP.

Activate layer 2 - Edit - Copy.

To AS: Edit - Paste - After current frame.

Step 9

Back to PSP.

Activate layer 3 - Edit - Copy.

To AS: Edit - Paste - After current frame.

Back to PSP.

Activate layer 4 - Edit - Copy.

To AS: Edit - Paste - After current frame.

Edit - Select all (Ctrl+A).

Step 10

Animation - Resize animation - 85%.

If you find it still too large, resize again.

View - Animation.

You now can see how your animation looks.


If you are satisfied:

Save your crea as a gif file and you're done :-)

This lesson can not arrive at groups without my permission.

I certainly don't like copying.

If you want to link my lesson, please mail me.

Love Elvira

Translated by Zial on August 5, 2012

Eye Candy 7 renders realistic effects that are difficult or impossible to achieve in Photoshop alone, such as Fire, Chrome, and the new Lightning.

Effects like Animal Fur, Smoke, and Reptile Skin are rendered in exquisite detail down to individual hairs, turbulent wisps, and shiny scales.
Eye Candy helps you quickly explore and design looks. In Eye Candy 7, effects are chosen through easy to recognize icons rather than text menus. Presets are rapidly previewed by simply mousing over them. The theme is less clicking and more visual browsing.
If you want a tool to really create eye-popping graphics, then you really want Eye Candy.
Eye Candy’s filters let you take simple images and create, with a click or two, absolutely amazing results.
Eye Candy enables you to create stunning graphic effects in moments.
commenting on Eye Candy 6's power and ease-of-useBitwise Magazine
Alien Skin’s Eye Candy provides the workflow speed along with a great deal of variety, flexibility and ease of use.
Eye Candy makes the effects much quicker and simpler to achieve.
For graphic designers, Eye Candy is the ultimate tool to turn typography visions into reality.
Eye Candy remains the single most useful Photoshop add-on bar none.
Alien Skin, known for its Eye Candy Photoshop plug-in series, makes Photoshop worth the price of admission.

Even Easier

We completely rewrote the Eye Candy user interface to make it easier to explore. The theme is less clicking and more visual browsing. Eye Candy 7 is now a single entry in Photoshop’s filter menu. That means that you can explore all of our effects without leaving the Eye Candy window. Instead of choosing an effect category by reading a text list, you’ll see icons that show typical uses of each effect. Click the image below to see the full size as it appears in Eye Candy 7.
Once you choose an effect, you can explore presets fast using the navigator, which is a small preview that instantly updates. You don’t even have to click. Just mouse over preset names and the navigator shows how the effect will look in your design.
In the preference panel you can choose how the effect is rendered in a new layer. If you prefer the Eye Candy 5 approach, you can have the new layer include just the effect and not a copy of your original artwork.
Many Eye Candy effects use transparency, so we moved the transparency display control out of the preference panel and put it under the main preview. This lets you quickly switch the background between checkerboard, black, white, or a custom solid color.
By popular demand, we rescued the best effects from our discontinued Xenofex product: Lightning, Electrify (seen above), and Clouds. We rewrote them for our new Eye Candy 7 framework, which provides faster previewing, better preset management, and easier experimentation.
Xenofex owners can get Eye Candy at the upgrade price of $99. In our store you can use a Xenofex license code to purchase the upgrade. If you can’t find your 12-letter license code then use our license code recovery page, or contact tech support so we can look you up.

Zillions of Effects

Eye Candy has grown over 19 years to handle a huge range of graphic design tasks, from subtle extruded edges to glitzy chrome. There are 32 effect categories, over 1000 presets, and controls to let you create an unlimited number of your own styles. Take a look at our examples for just a sample of what Eye Candy can do.

Realistic Effects

Realism sets Eye Candy effects apart from the generic filters built into Photoshop. Effects like Animal Fur, Smoke, and Reptile Skin are rendered in exquisite detail down to individual hairs, turbulent wisps, and shiny scales. Eye Candy helps designs look natural and organic.


Eye Candy scales effects to match the size of your current artwork. That makes it less likely that you will have to tweak a preset to make it look good.

Non-Destructive Editing

Effects are drawn into a new layer, leaving your original artwork untouched. Eye Candy can also work as a Smart Filter, which lets you modify or remove the effect later.
Alien skin xenofex 2 constellation free

Professional Features

Eye Candy can handle images in CMYK mode and 16-bits/channel, which are needed for professional print work. And, you can save any look as a preset to consistently recreate it in future projects.
We thoroughly test and support this product on the systems listed below. This product may also work in other configurations, but we do not guarantee it.
1280×768 or greater monitor resolution
Intel Core 2 processor
This product requires one of the following host applications: